Public Classes

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy for Chronic Conditions, People with Back Problems, Arthritis, and MS – Gentle, relaxing and strengthening movements incorporating yoga and feldenkrais techniques. Listen to your body and its wisdom as you increase blood circulation and oxygenation. Our yoga therapy class is supported through a grant from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. Learn more on the web at:

You can help support this cause by donating. Click the Donate now button to the right to help us continue to provide this therapy.

Hartford Courant: Sacred Rivers Offers Free MS Therapy Classes

Class Information:
Mondays at 10:45 – 11:45am
Cost: Class is free for those with Multiple Sclerosis, per the generous grant from the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation! If you have MS and would like to join the class, please fill out both documents below. Call the studio at (860) 657-9545 with any additional questions.

All other students: $7.00 (plus tax)

Health & Wellness Dr. Confirmation Form | Health & Wellness Release Form


MS students must contact SRY via email to set up an account. SRY staff will create an online account for the student and assign a free MS membership, in accordance with the grant provided by the MSF. SRY staff will send instructions to the student via email once their account has been established.


1. Click HERE to be directed to the virtual class registration page
2. Click “Sign up Now” 
Note: You will automatically be directed to the next available class date. If you would like to select a different date, you may click the calendar button to scroll through the schedule. 
3. Sign into your account when prompted using your MindBody login credentials
4. Select if you would like to make a single reservation for the selected date OR if you would like to make a recurring reservation
5. Click “Make Reservation”
6. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration.
7. You will receive a live stream link via email 30 minutes before the class begins. When the time comes, click the link to join the class.


Classes taught by Michele Matthews. Michele is a 200 hour teacher training graduate from Sacred Rivers Yoga, and is also reiki 2 certified. She has been teaching chair yoga therapy since 2013. Michele is passionate about bringing yoga to those whom it may be otherwise inaccessible to.

Testimonials from Yoga Therapy Participants

“I want to tell you that I deeply appreciate that Sacred Rivers Yoga provides classes for those afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis, as I am. I have been unable to take regular exercise programs in the past due to my condition, but have found that your class is what I need. Gentle stretching, movements and breathing techniques help me not only physically, but mentally and emotionally also. Plus, the instructors are caring and patient as well. I deeply hope that the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation continues to support Sacred Rivers Yoga in providing this invaluable program. I have not found any other comparable classes to this one in my area.”

-Jane Ellis

“It is with great pleasure that I endorse the yoga classes at Sacred Rivers Yoga. It has benefited me, as a multiple sclerosis patient, in a great number of ways. It has helped my ability to balance greatly. It has also helped me deal with the depression that is part of this condition by offering a positive environment and interacting with other people with chronic diseases. The stretching exercises have helped me with my ability to walk and grasp with my hands and toes. The teachers are of the highest caliber and the facility is clean and calming. I greatly appreciate the fact that the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation has made these classes available to others. I thank Paula Scopino at Sacred Rivers Yoga for her kindness and ability to instruct and understand our potential.”

-Adrienne Frazao

“Sacred Rivers Yoga Therapy has benefited me greatly by helping me with my balance issues, keeping me limber and especially relaxation. The instructors are wonderful about explaining how each pose is related to the different parts of the body.”

-Eileen Hotchkiss

“Since I have been doing yoga, I have noticed that my balance has improved. I wasn’t sure that yoga was the reason for the difference I noticed until the past month. I had not been to class for 3 or 4 weeks because of vacation, storm Irene, Labor Day. After the second week of not attending class, I started to trip over my own feet and lose my balance more than I had in quite a while. It then dawned on me that I had not been to class in a couple of weeks and started to do some of the yoga moves at home. It did make a little difference. Hopefully now that summer is over I can get back in the groove. I have also noticed that my body isn’t as stiff as it was before I started yoga. Yoga has really made a difference.”

-Linda Browning

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