“I signed up for the Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) at Sacred Rivers Yoga in 2010 with the primary intention of personal, spiritual development. I don’t know if I could’ve prepared for the transformative experience that unfolded over the next 12 months in the program with Paula and the amazing students of my cohort. In addition to the in-depth training on the physical aspects of yoga I learned more about myself, my beliefs about health and healing, and what it means to cultivate a personalized spiritual practice. I absolutely loved how we were taught to weave what most resonated with into our own unique styles, which made for a very rich experience. We had plenty of practical time during the program for hands on learning and Paula brings in a breadth of outside presenters to further deepen our knowledge and opportunities. Cohorts are made up of people from all walks of life, young and old, who all come together for the common love for yoga. Newer students have the opportunity to learn and be mentored by those who are further along with their studies who also get to harness their skills through mentoring. Each student provides value to the whole of the YTT community. Paula is a wonderful and thoughtful guide and makes a clear commitment to getting to know each and every student in her programs. That to me was huge. I felt cared for, nurtured and was able to grow at my own pace.”